Visit us in our studio/showroom in Fulham, West London

We Won!



It has taken us a long time to convince the business community that a craft-based business like monogramming can be a digital powerhouse, but it looks like we've done it.  

We've won the Federation of Small Business's 2022 award for the Digital / E-commerce Business of the Year! I can't tell you how incredibly proud I am of my whole team.

We spent the last two years learning from the ground up about SEO techniques, website audits and enhancements, digital marketing and the use of brand new tools and platforms to make our already great website even better.

We used every free learning tool we could get our hands on:  Google digital garage; webinars sponsored by the FSB, the London Business Hub our local council; and some paid-for advice too. COVID really did force about 10 years of development in to two.

Our proprietary monogram design tool, which we built as a plug-in app for our Shopify-based website, allows our clients to use the same graphic design software that we use in the studio. That design experience is half the fun of shopping with us... the ability to play with different font styles and thread colours and then preview the design, with all the detailed stitching texture, on any item on our website, is an exciting shopping experience for our clients

Because the client's design is saved as an embroidery file that is embedded in their order, our production team can open and send the design directly to our embroidery machines.  Therefore the error rate in production which normally plagues personalisation companies is minimised.

We are thrilled that our digital take on embroidery has been recognised by the FSB London. Holly and I spent the most inspiring afternoon this week at the wonderful and historic Royal Horse Guards Hotel with all the other London finalists.  And now we're off to Glasgow in May for the national finals! 





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