Visit us in our studio/showroom in Fulham, West London

Moroccan Craftsmanship

Moroccan Craftsmanship

We are passionate about the design and production of our product line.  Because if you're going to go to the trouble of monogramming, you want the embroidery to be sewn on something you love that's going to last.   So we look high and low around the world for the...

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Our Favourite Monogrammed Travel Bags

Our Favourite Monogrammed Travel Bags

February is always a good month for a getaway.  Whether it’s a half-term holiday with kids or a grown-up weekend away for Valentines Day, the annual pilgrimage to the slopes or a Vitamin D top-up in the sun… a little travel is the best medicine for the winter blues. With...

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Chasing Winter Sun in Monogrammed Style

Chasing Winter Sun in Monogrammed Style

There's no doubt the UK has had a long, gloomy run of weather lately. Seems like the sun will never shine reliably again and we find ourselves day-dreaming about our next holiday in the sun. Which also gets us thinking about all our monogrammed travel bags and accessories.  There’s something...

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Valentines Day Monogramming

Valentines Day Monogramming

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating love of all kinds,  and what better way to do that than with a gift that is truly personal? While flowers and chocolates are classic, a monogrammed gift adds a unique, thoughtful touch that will be cherished long after 14th February. At Initially London,...

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We are occasionally brought items that have been monogrammed previously... either a vintage find that came with an embroidered monogram or a gift from a well-meaning friend who gets the monogram not quite right.  And we're asked if we can fix it. The answer is usually yes.  If we can...

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