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We are a Buy Women Built Business

We are delighted to announce that we are now a part of the Buy Women Built network.  BWB is a movement to mobilise consumers to buy from female-founded brands and, in so doing, build a stronger and fairer economy.  Currently only 1 in 3 entrepreneurs in the UK is female (according to the 2023 Rose Report).  If that ratio were more like the ratio of women and men in the overall population, there would be nearly 1.1million new businesses contributing £250 billion to the UK economy.

While the support ecosystem for female entrepreneurs has made huge strides, we often overlook the most obvious and accessible way to boost female owned businesses:  by mobilising the spending power of consumers. So while not everyone can invest in or mentor female founders, anyone and everyone can buy from them.  And the Buy Women Built network helps you find them. 

According to Sahar Kashani from BWB, “the average consumer, of course, has no way of knowing which brands are created by women. The campaign hopes to change that, with a new Women Built kitemark stamped on products, website and social media pages to make them easy to spot.”

The BWB campaign spotlights amazing women-built brands so consumers can vote with their wallets. By sharing their stories and showcasing their products, we are aiming to unleash women’s incredible untapped potential. When you buy women-built, you not only support the incredible brands we already have, but also help the next generation dream bigger. And the bigger girls dream, the stronger and fairer our country will be. 

As consumers we have the power to change the world. Our everyday purchasing decisions can change the face and shape of the economy and the society we live in. If we all shop more women-built brands, we can together unleash the powerful economic force and the enormous untapped contribution these businesses can make to our economy.
If we choose to buy more women-built brands, we’ll end up with more female entrepreneurs. That’s great for the economy.

To learn more about all the women-owned businesses in this network, or to look in to joining, check out the website here:

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