Visit us in our studio/showroom in Fulham, West London

Our Sustainability Credentials

We cannot escape the fact that we are living an unsustainable lifestyle because the evidence is all around us.  The fashion industry is sadly one of the main culprits.

Overproduction and over-consumption are at the heart of the issues which the fashion industry advances which in turn negatively impact  our planet. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, “it is estimated that more than half of fast fashion production is disposed of in under a year”.

With trends towards fast-fashion and convenience shopping gaining momentum, we have seen the emergence of 'throwaway culture' which requires landfilling the discarded clothing and household textiles.  Kelly Drennan, founder of Fashion Takes Action claims that we consume more than 80 billion pieces of clothing each year globally. Even more shocking is that the textile industry pollutes 5,640,000 Olympic-size swimming pools of fresh water every year.

Add to this doom and gloom the devastating impact of single use plastic on the environment.  Have you seen the Transport for London ad on the back of London buses?  Evidently 38.5 million single use plastic bottles are used every day in the UK and many of them end up in the Thames. Reduce, reuse, recycle is becoming an ever-more-urgent mantra.

We're doing our best to keep sustainable retailing at the heart of our business and we thought it's a good time to let you know what we're doing to reduce our single-use plastic consumption and to offer sustainably made products.  By making individual small changes, collectively can make a huge difference.

1.  We carry a timeless and classic product line made, as much as is practical, from 100% natural fibres.  We do not chase fads so we don't have offer deep discounts to shift stale merchandise.

2.  We source as much as possible in the UK and when we do source abroad we are very careful to work with suppliers who treat their staff and the environment fairly.

3. We have substantially reduced the plastic in our packaging.  We now package most of our items in reusable drawstring bags that make great shoe bags or bags for hair accessories, belts or other items while travelling or storing them.

4. We offer a number of products that help our clients to reduce their reliance on single use plastic or paper.  These include:

Straw Baskets

Never take a plastic bag in the shops again. Our classic palm leaf baskets are versatile and stylish summer staples which can rise to any occasion: from running errands, to picnics and the beach on holiday.  Our bags look incredibly distinctive with a colourful, fun monogram.  Add some some cute pompoms or tassels to invigorate this classic product.

Jute Tote Bags

Our jute bags are the ideal sustainable swap for any cotton, plastic and nylon carrier bags you might have - you will swear by this chic yet super handy product! Jute is a plant fiber that is rapidly renewable and very durable, it needs less water to survive and no chemical interventions. Though just a simple crop, woven together, our jute bags are glamorous and perfectly proportioned to carry all you may need. Be ambitious with some pom-pom and tassel additions to liven up the gorgeous natural shade of the jute.

Insulated Water Bottles

With plastic goods being the main culprits polluting our lakes, rivers and oceans harming wildlife and releasing toxic substances, steer clear of plastic goods and stay hydrated instead with Initially London's water-bottle range. Following this year's ban of plastic bottles at Glastonbury, take the plunge yourself and opt for a stylish and more sustainable option. Our bottles come in a wide range of styles and colors the sky is your limit with what combination and monogram style you may choose... you could even go for a fun slogan or quote to keep you motivated whilst at the gym or working away in the library whilst the sun is shining outside. Our bottles really are the perfect combination of fun and functional!


 Linen Napkins

We love the classic look of monogrammed linen napkins on the table. But it's not just a pretty way to lay a table.  Using linen napkins instead of disposable paper napkins will save lots of trees.  If you're really clever, you could monogram each family member's name on a napkin so it can be used several times before washing.  Or go the traditional route and monogram your initials in a pretty monogram shape like Intertwined or Modern Fancy.  


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