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ShedFest with London Design Festival

Oh my what fun we had taking part in Eccleston Yard's amazing pop-up event for London Design Week.  Our golden shed was a cosy little home for the day on Friday 20th September and we laid the table with a selection of our favourite monogrammed napkins.  

We so loved meeting the other makers and designers in the sheds... what an incredibly creative city London is at the moment.  Stunning ceramics from Belinda Webster, beautiful pencil-drawn screen printed t-shirts and cards from Olivia Huntingford, mesmerising clay masterpieces from The Chelsea Potter, the most beautiful prints inspired by William Morris's real genius (his daughter) from Honor Addington and very cool embroidered hoodies and candles from Maison de Reves.  




Eccleston Yard is a little jewel in the midst of busy, bustling Victoria... a quiet and creative place to recharge and refuel in every way.  Thanks, Jones Family Kitchen, for organising the sheds and introducing us to the concept.  Really hoping this is going to be an annual event!


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