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New Add-on Motifs Feature

We are often asked about adding a motif to a monogram. It's a fun way to add a bit of extra personality to your embroidered monogram.  

Evil eye motif with a monogram

We have a huge library of embroidered motifs, as well as frames and other accents for your monogram.  So many, in fact, that it's impossible to put them all on our website. 

We've recently launched a new product on the website which allows you to choose one of our most popular motifs and add it to your online order.  Just choose from the drop-down menu and then mention in Special Instructions at checkout how you'd like it added to your design... above or below the lettering, on the opposite side of the bag, or any other instructions. 

Peter Rabbit embroidery motif


Our most popular motifs feature in the Add-On Motif list on the website, and they include a heart, star, lightning bolt, cherries, a butterfly, a pair of paws, a football, ballet shoes and the UK and American flag. But do feel free to email us about any other that you're looking for. 

Cherry motif to enhance your monogramming


We are delighted to embroider motifs and monograms on your own goods.  We love seeing denim jackets, backpacks and all sorts of other things enhanced (improved!) with embroidery. It's also a great way to give vintage or charity shop finds a new life. Contact us on to enquire or stop in to see us in the studio. 


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