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Initially London in the Daily Mail

We were contacted by Holly Thomas, a journalist writing a piece about monogramming for the Daily Mail last week, and asked what's so special about monogramming. 

How much time do you have?

If you know us at all, you'll be aware that we can talk for hours about the history of monogramming, our own modern interpretation of the tradition, different monogram styles, how to use monograms, how monogramming differs between the UK and the US and Europe, and more.

For the edited version, check out Holly's article here.  It focuses on why monogrammed goods make great gifts. We couldn't agree more!

Holly writes... "Jane Wiest, founder and director of interiors and monogramming company Initially London, says: ‘Personalised home decor provides you with the opportunity to incorporate features into your home that express your distinct personality.’

Wiest says she has seen a clear resurgence of people wanting to monogram items at home - both in personal spaces in the house such as the bedroom - and on show on table linens for dinner party guests to admire."

To read the full article, click here:



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