Visit us in our studio/showroom in Fulham, West London

Top Drawer SS20 - New Trade Launch

If you don't already know, Top Drawer is one of the UK's best trade shows for home goods, design, accessories and stationery.  This bi-annual trade event showcases the best of British retailing, taking over the whole of London Olympia's two big halls.  We've loved attending as buyers for years.  

This year, however, we the team and Founder Jane Wiest, attended as exhibitors, launching our extensive range of to-the-trade table linens and guest towels featuring monograms and embroidered motifs.  We have always done quite a lot of word-of-mouth business with event planners, interior designers and retailers looking for unique gifts and table linens, as well as private label monogramming services for their own goods.  So we decided to make this side of our business more accessible to a broader range of clients by launching them at Top Drawer SS20 earlier this week.

And what a wonderful time we had chatting to so many interesting retailers and designers from all over the world! We loved meeting other creatives and brands who were exhibiting alongside us and felt a strong sense of community amongst British businesses large and small.

The array of products on offer showed trends towards sustainability, artisan makers and the attitude towards buying long lasting, high quality products.  Which of course is right up our street.  

Here are few images of the stand.  Please get in touch if you'd like to hear more about our to-the-trade product line.  We will be launching a trade website shortly.


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